Social Media Marketing


We promote many of the world's leading brands within influential social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, message boards, blogs and more. Smart Marketing Solution's team of experienced writers work as brand ambassadors and participate in online conversations with your target audience. 

SMS delivers ground-breaking ROI on social media marketing activity

Our analysis shows that the click through rates and conversions achieved as a direct result of our social media campaigns significantly outperform both PPC marketing campaigns and natural search conversions. Conversions are, on average, 2 times higher than search and the click rates around 8%. 

Adding value with every interaction

We realise that people search online forums to find answers to their questions and to seek advice for their problems as well as participate in discussions they are passionate about. Such online communities are invaluable when it comes to influencing the decision making process, which is why adding valuable 'brand-oriented' contributions to user generated sites can offer huge rewards for organizations. 

Optimising organic search engine results

Not only will our posts drive traffic directly to your site, they will also contribute to the all-important organic search results. 

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